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The Fear of the Lord

After writing my latest newsletter, I realized the importance and need to develop the fear of the Lord in my life. I want to learn from my readers, so below are a four questions I have for my readers to answer on the topic of the fear of the Lord. I’m hoping this will lead to a great  discussion that allows my readers to learn from each other. Enjoy the process!

1. Do you believe wisdom that leads to good conduct, justice, and fairness only comes from God? If so, explain why. If not, please explain why not.

2. What do you think fear means in the context of the fear of the Lord? Do you think it’s necessary to possess the fear of the Lord to gain wisdom?

3. Do you have the fear of the Lord in your life? If so, how did you develop it?

4. If you don’t have the fear of the Lord, but you want to develop it, how do you plan on doing this?

Feel free to leave any other constructive comments on the topic of the fear of the Lord.

Categories: Uncategorized

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is the instruction on the difference between right and wrong. It is also the teaching on the difference between good and evil. Wisdom principles teach humans good conduct, and to do what is right, just, and fair. The application of wisdom principles will lead humans to do great acts of courage. My next blog post will deal with the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom.

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Geoff Woods


Categories: Uncategorized